Notre entrepôt de Mérignac sera en travaux de février à avril 2024. Devant notre entrepôt, contactez-nous au 09 81 81 68 35 afin d’accéder à notre show-Room et/ou pour récupérer du matériel. Merci de votre compréhension

Bowl and cup

Our quality products are fully designed in white vitrified porcelain and heavy-duty. The Moroccan tea glass is made of glass decorated with golden enamel. Each glass has a different color. Bowls and cups are provided clean. The cleaning service is included in the price.

Image Tasse et Bol Unit price Quantity
Bowl and cup Lion's head Bowl - 50 cl
0,45 €
Bowl and cup Breakfast bowl - 40 cl
0,40 €
Bowl and cup Lion's head Soup tureen - 3,5 L
3,30 €
Bowl and cup Tea cup and saucer - box of 25 cups
10,00 €
Bowl and cup Coffee cup and saucer - 10 cl - box of 36 cups
9,50 €
Bowl and cup Moroccan Tea Glass - 15 cl - box of 49 cups
14,00 €

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We have soup bowls, breakfast bowls, soup tureens, tea cups and saucers, coffee cups and saucers and Moroccan tea glasses.